'Twas the days before Christmas, when all through the house
Every creature was stirring, though, I hope not a mouse;The ornaments were decorated and painted with care,
In hopes that our tree would no longer be bare.
The children were hyper and jumping on beds,
While dad told them to stop, 'cuz they might bump their heads.
And now came the time for Elijah to nap,
But first we must find his coveted Titleist green cap.
When up in the living room there 'rose such a clatter,
I ran up the stairs to see what was the matter.
Away up the stairs, I don't fly like a flash,
I hardly can run the 100 yd. dash.
Madelyn was yelling, "I love the new snow,
let me go play in it, I want to, you know!"
When, what to Madelyn's eyes should appear,
Elijah's green hat, and just as I feared;
Our sweet little girl, so lively and quick,
grabbed the green hat, to play a mean trick.
I couldn't handle it, so quickly dad came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now Madelyn give back your brother's green hat."
Then came Elijah and on Madelyn he sat.
Dad said, "Off your sister, go sit by the wall,
Now give back the hat that was not nice at all."
As snow flakes that before the wild blizzard fly,
When they meet an obstacle, soar through the sky,
So up to her brother she grumbled and knew,
Just what it was that she had to do.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard with a sigh
"I'm sorry Elijah, what I did was not right."
As I stopped in my place, and was turning around,
They gave a great hug and then fell to the ground.
They were tickling and giggling from their heads to their feet,
And when it was all through they both took a seat.
"Out to the snow, get your coat on your back,"
I said to the kids while running the vac (vacuum)
Their eyes how they twinkled. Their dimples how merry.
Their cheeks were like roses, thier noses like cherries.
Their bodies were eager and ready to go
And make a big snowman out in the new snow.
We try to make snowballs, then they both grit their teeth (ugh)
"This snow is too fluffy" then she threw it at the wreath.
"Let's make a snow angel," I said with a beg,
"Lay down on your back, move your arms and your legs."
Elijah's was small like a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I heard him say, "That's not myself."
Madelyn's was perfect from her toes to her head.
Soon I decided it was time for bed.
They both were tired, playing in snow is hard work,
Tucking them in and giving them kisses, you know
my babes are so precious, for too fast they do grow.
I thank God everyday for giving to me,
A beautiful, wonderful family
As I look at the stars God gave us, so bright,
**I hope you all have a blessed Christmas season, we are very blessed to have each other and all of you our friends in our lives. We love all of you!
Side Note:
This is a conversation I had with Madelyn while baking cookies for her class.
Mom: "You have 17 kids in your class, we have 5 cookies on this sheet and 5 on this one, how many do we have all together?"
Madelyn: (without hesitation)"10"
Mom: "Right, so if you have 17 kids and we have 10 cookies, how many more do we need?"
Madelyn: (again, without hesitation) "7"
Mom: "How did you know that so fast"
Madelyn: "I'm good at my numbers, Mom"
I guess she put me in my place, and it is scary to think that she has her dad's brains, and is going to be smarter than me by the time she is 10.